A big SHOUT OUT to Christina Delfico of iDig2Learn who hosted 25 NYCPWG members for our fall event on Roosevelt Island last week! Here’s some highlights…

  • Christina and friends Julia Ferguson, Anthony Longo and his son gave us a wonderful tour of the Roosevelt Island Community Garden (Roosevelt Island Garden Community) – 140 raised beds, an amazing compost system and pocket meadows were festooned with flowers, birds and butterflies!
  • Roseanne Andrade implemented a native plant seed swap in which some great species were shared and Chris Kreussling created an iNat project page just for the Roosevelt Island Garden.
  • After our garden and pocket meadow tour, we headed down to the new Cornell Tech campus and were greeted by Jane Swanson, the Community & Government Liaison from Cornell Tech, who introduced us to some of the features of the campus – which is worth a visit unto itself.
  • Finally,  we were hosted by Edie Burns and Chef (who goes by chef IG handle @afreechef) of Anything At All at the Graduate Hotel on Roosevelt Island and treated to some delicious hors d’oeuvres, wine and cocktails.

This was truly an uplifting event! The opportunity to get together in-person and enjoy an outdoor excursion was a balm for the soul.  As Christina put it, “The weather was the star!” We extend a very warm thanks to everyone involved – including the PWG Education, Outreach and Networking Committee – and also to Rick O’Conor for documenting our event on the 

Roosevelt Islander Online

Saturday, September 25, 2021 from 3 – 6pm; film screenings at 3pm & 8pm

LOCATION: Various locations on and around the High Line


Insectageddon is a collective performance and call to action presented by artist and poet Cecilia Vicuña. The event addresses the devastating loss of insect populations around the world due to the immense scale of toxic industrial farming, pesticides, and habitat destruction. Insectageddon celebrates the millions of insects that visit and make their home on the High Line every year. Vicuña uses the wild and lively landscape of the park to remind us of the importance of insects for maintaining our vegetal world, as well as all living beings that rely on plants to live.

NYCPWG is proud to have participated in the planning and programming for this event. Member speakers include: Sarah Ward, National Wildlife Federation; Chris Kreussling, aka “Flatbush Gardener”; Sarah Kornbluth, bee biologist and Field Associate at the American Museum of Natural History. The brochure and resource guide (click image at left) was developed by Lisa Bloodgood, Director of Advocacy and Education at Newtown Creek Alliance.

For more information, Click Here


June 21-27, 2021 is Pollinator Week – an annual event celebrated internationally in support of pollinator health. We have put together a listing of several local events for you to learn, engage and celebrate our native pollinators! We hope that you can join in any of the events this month or engage in the celebration in your own way.

Download our poster of events HERE (Updated 6/20)

See the calender with additional event info and links on our Get Involved page

Pollinator Partnership lists several Pollinator Week events nationally. See the list of events and find more information HERE

The Spotted Lantern Fly is an invasive pest that was first found in the northeast in 2014 and was confirmed as found in NYC in Manhattan in the latter half of 2019. Since that initial sighting they have been found in many places in Manhattan and other boroughs, unfortunately. The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the state Department of Agriculture & Markets are conducting surveys currently via inspections. It is important that people report sightings of the SLF as well as their egg masses to  spottedlanternfly@agriculture.ny.gov or here https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/a08d60f6522043f5bd04229e00acdd63

The attached fact sheet can help you identify the Spotted Lantern Fly and its egg cases. All sightings should be reported, and the insects themselves should be placed in a baggie or jar to be suffocated so that a DEC or NYSDAM rep. can collect it. For egg masses, a small sample should be scraped into a zip-lock bag and sealed. The remainder of the egg mass should be put in a baggie and doused with alcohol or hand sanitizer and then discarded.

The DEC website has a plethora of information that you may find useful and interesting. Thank you for your work and vigilance.