Thanks to NYCPWG’s Education and Outreach Committee, we’re pleased to announce that POLLINATOR PALOOZA, our annual photo show to
celebrate the beauty, diversity and value of pollinators in NYC, is back and we want your pics!
Submit 3 of your best photos BY NOVEMBER 30th.
Your photo must be of a wild NYC pollinator (a wild bee, wasp, butterfly, moth, beetle, fly or ant, etc.) and/or insect pollinator nests (burrows, cavity nests, wasp nests in trees), photographed within the geographic boundaries of the five boroughs of NYC DURING 2021. (No honeybees or honeybee hives please).
If you don’t have a Google account, please email your submissions to
Selected shots will be featured in a slide show and shared at our December 16th holiday meeting!
Please share this flyer far and wide through your networks!